Director of Fine Arts
Email Dr. Evelyn Kwanza
Fine Arts

Dr. Evelyn Kwanza

Dr. Rob Bradshaw
Coordinator of Fine Arts
Email Dr. Rob Bradshaw
Every student in the Norman Public Schools will have the opportunity to study the arts. Students will acquire the understanding and skills necessary to create quality artworks and performances. Students will also develop problem-solving techniques for intellectual and artistic pursuits, appreciate the works of other artists, and value the arts in their everyday lives.
The Fine Arts Department of the Norman Public Schools district includes discipline-based programs in visual art, general music, instrumental music, vocal music, theatrical arts, and modern dance. We support and facilitate correlation and integration activities and events among the arts and with other subject areas. We believe the strength of the arts lies in our discipline-based programs and that the arts enhance academics and student growth.

Fine Arts Calendar
NPS Fine Arts Facilities