Gender Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct
District Policy
The Norman Public School District prohibits all forms of discrimination or harassment of students and staff. It is the intent of the district to be nondiscriminatory to all students regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, age or genetic information.This policy is equally applicable to all students, administrators, staff, volunteers, and individuals serving as trip sponsors. The full policy can be found on the district's website.
The Law
Gender discrimination and sexual harassment are prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, Title IX of the- Education Amendments of 1972, and Title 25 of the Oklahoma Statutes. No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Reporting Sexual Misconduct
If someone has mistreated you sexually, it’s not your fault. Please speak with an adult you trust. Although all school officials keep your info private, they may be required to report circumstances to appropriate authorities. Options at school include:
Student Advocacy Coordinators
These individuals are available to advocate for students and respond to sexual misconduct, bullying, gender discrimination and other traumas. A coordinator does not investigate, rather, they assist the student with reporting the incident and help with safety planning, academic arrangements, and community resources.
Administrators, School Counselors or Teachers
If you report sexual misconduct to a principal, counselor, teacher, coach or secretary they can help you decide what’s best for you. Administrators will start an investigation immediately and others will help you notify a school leader so an investigation can begin. These adults will keep things as private as possible.
Campus Police
If you tell a school resource officer, they will immediately investigate to determine if the incident is a crime and connect you with adults who can provide support. In addition, the Norman Police Department can be reached at (405) 321.1444.

Site Contacts

Bethany Franks
Email Bethany Franks
Traci Kay, Principal
Email Traci Kay
(405) 366-5845

Renee Jonason
Student Advocacy Coordinator
Email Renee Jonason
(405) 366-5845
Shlonda Brewer, Principal
Email Shlonda Brewer
(405) 366-5941

Sarah Henry
Student Advocacy Coordinator
Email Sarah Henry
(405) 366-5948
Brad Talley, Principal
Email Brad Talley
(405) 366-5948

Penny Hague
Student Advocacy Coordinator
Email Penny Hague
(405) 366-5956
Ethan Davis, Principal
Email Ethan Davis
(405) 366-5956

Melanie Baer
Student Advocacy Coordinator
Email Melanie Baer
(405) 366-5812 x8108
Hallie Wright, Principal
Email Hallie Wright

Ronnie Colina
Student Advocacy Coordinator
Email Ronnie Colina
(405) 366-5954 x8282
Dr. Kim Garrett, Principal
Email Kim Garrett
(405) 366-5954

Penny Hague
Student Advocacy Coordinator
Email Penny Hague
(405) 366-5956
Paul Tryggestad
Email Paul Tryggestad
(405) 579-1880
District Contacts
Holly Nevels
Title IX Coordinator
(405) 573-3501
Email Holly Nevels
Stephanie Williams
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
(405) 364-1339
Email Stephanie Williams